More 2024 Election Musings with Nine Star Ki by Kartar Diamond

Kartar Diamond
7 min readAug 7, 2024


I just re-read my article about the likely 2024 candidates, written back in 2023.

I brought up the well-known astrology observation that U.S. Presidents who are elected in a year ending in “0” usually do not complete their term. Biden was elected in 2020 and given his age and obvious mental decline, I figured back then that he would join the list of presidents who don’t complete their term. As of August 2024, he’s “down but not out,” in the sense that he is on schedule to complete one term. However, many people on both sides of the aisle speculate whether he will still be able to function in the coming months or if he has already thrown in the towel for all practical purposes.

Now it is down to Trump vs. Harris, although at least one YouTube astrologer has wondered publicly if Harris might get replaced or challenged during or even after the Democratic Convention. Weirder things have happened! This same astrologer implied that Harris has the stars in her chart (according to Vedic astrology) to be President, and yet this same astrologer didn’t see Harris’ chart (at this moment in time) as stronger than Trump, or Gavin Newsom for that matter. What could that mean?

I think there is at least a small chance that Biden will not complete his term, literally, and that at the very least we may have a President Harris sworn in under emergency circumstances, at least temporarily. But I digress.

What I really wanted to accomplish here is to take a look at each presumed nominee’s running mate, to see if that sheds any more light on the potential outcome or “luck” of each person running for President. Our own luck is sometimes tied to another individual and not just through our own making.

First let’s look at Trump’s running mate JD Vance, who I know almost nothing about. I only see that based on his birth year, he is a 7 Metal star (in both Feng Shui and in Nine Star Ki.) The 7 metal star is related to the voice, charisma, being charming or well spoken. The 7 star people have similar traits in Nine Star Ki as those traits described in Feng Shui, although these are separate systems which also have many differences in interpretation. The gift of gab works to the advantage for any politician as they really should be able to speak off the cuff. The more eloquent and articulate they can be, the more persuasive they can be.

When it comes to the relationship between Trump and Vance, we can see a domination cycle of Trump’s 9 fire dominating Vance’s 7 metal. In the cycle of the elements, Fire Melts Metal. This appears to be an acceptable relationship if Vance does not mind being subservient to Trump, taking orders. Perhaps the dynamic will work in almost a father-son fashion. For Vance’s 7 Metal Star in 2024, his energy resides in the South “Palace,” which is known for exposure. Of course, if you are running for political office, you will be in the spotlight, but some of the exposure could be embarrassing. And yet, it also brings new information to the person who sits in the South House. For example, Vance might learn things about Trump, the political process or other relevant bombshells that he never knew before. Implications can be large or small.

Vance’s 7 Metal star is opposite the 8 star in the North Palace all year long. The 8 star is like a rock and it can represent a kind of blockade. That does not bode well for him assuming more power as Vice-President. It is not definitive and I am not a Nine Star Ki master, but I did note that Bernie Sanders’ personal star was opposite the 8 star in 2016. It reads: Going Nowhere. In other contexts, it can suggest protests and rebellion, radical changes in thought and action.

It’s been one day since Kamala Harris announced her running made Tim Walz, who I also know virtually nothing about. It looks like he was born the same year as Harris, making him a Dragon, turning 60 years of age this year and also a 9 Fire Star person like her. I have to say I was a little surprised when I looked up his birth date on-line because he looks much older than 60. He has an older Warren Buffet-like look, considerably older.

With Walz being a 9 star person like Harris, we have two fire star people who may end up working together. Do two fire people get along? Should I pull out all my puns and refer to this as a “flammable” relationship? Fireworks? Perhaps we can just say they are both more the same than different. This can work well in some relationships and not in others. Much more to explore as I am only scratching the surface here.

In the ring we then have Trump, a 9 fire star person running against another 9 fire star person, along with her 9 fire star running mate. It will get very hot. 9 star people also have a tendency to say things they regret.

As mentioned in my previous article about election results, astrologers often look at the chart for Election Day to see who may win based on their luck for the day. And because the election is on November 5th, that is technically still October monthly energy. In Nine Star Ki, the month of November does not actually kick in until November 8th. Additionally, the DAY STARS for Election Day are identical to the MONTH stars. This magnifies things, but does not shed more light on a “change” in the daily energy which could affect the election outcome.

Looking at the Nine Star Ki chart for October 2024, the actual Election Month according to Nine Star Ki, we see that the 9 star has a visiting 3 star next to it. The 3 star is related to a number of images and symbols, including ‘uniformed personnel’ and that includes law enforcement. (Crowd control?) The 3 star is also related to electricity and all electronic devices. This may include the internet, cyber security and voting machines. In this same month, the monthly 9 star visits the annual 6 star. The 6 star is related to the government, judges, the military and the law. Will we have a contested election? These Nine Ki stars also speak to larger world events, chaos, and disruption.

In this case it is hard to predict who may win because both Harris and Trump are the same 9 fire star. These stars, which are assigned to year of birth, repeat every 9 years. This is how someone born in 1946 has the same year of birth star as someone born in 1964. Trump and Harris are 18 years apart; two cycles of 9 years.

Additionally, Trump is Year of Dog and Harris is year of Dragon. In the world of Chinese astrology, the Dog and Dragon oppose each other. In a Dragon year, people born in the year of the Dog, like Trump, can have a very challenging year. Of course, everything is larger than life with him. Between the legal battles and the assassination attempt, the year is only half over.

In this case, I don’t know if reviewing the personal energy of the running mates is going to make any difference. And in the case of Harris and Trump being the same star, it makes it even more of a challenge to figure out. I have looked at each of their monthly stars based on birth data and they both have pros and cons going on in that regard.

For the month of August, I see challenges for both as 9 star people. Both are on the “Reversed Luo Shu Axis” for August, strapped to the 4 star which is symbolic of a variety of things including contracts, travel, airplanes, and ambivalence. Both have their 9 stars connected to a 5 star (for weird events or disasters) and opposite a monthly 2 star (which can represent a large group of people who have a common identity). This could be voters, donors, supporters, etc. On the world stage, this can equate to countries or citizens of a nation (2) and the 4 star is also related to missals and aircraft.

In the month of September, both of these 9 star people face off with two 5 stars. More outrageous stuff can happen, serious, unexpected, with big implications. Both of these candidates are juxtaposed twice in the same chart with a 1 star, which can symbolize a “loss” of some sort. It can be literal loss of money, or a fall, bleeding, retreat, something going down or collapsing. Let’s hope it is not a plane crash.

It does seem likely that both candidates will be heavily affected by world events and many things outside of their control, for a roller-coaster ride the rest of the year. If they were not both 9 star people, it would be much easier for me to see who has the more favorable chart to win the election.

Author: Kartar Diamond

Company: Feng Shui Solutions ®



Kartar Diamond
Kartar Diamond

Written by Kartar Diamond

Kartar Diamond is a Feng Shui author, consultant and mental health advocate. or

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